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Buffalo County dispatcher Tracy Smalley earns Telecommunicator of the Year award

By Brian Neben Nov 14, 2023 | 11:28 AM

Buffalo County Sheriff Neil Miller, left and Tracy Smalley, left. (Brian Neben, Central Nebraska Today)

KEARNEY — A Buffalo County dispatcher earned a 2023 Telecommunicator of the Year award after being nominated and was recognized at the Buffalo County Commissioners meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 14.

Each year, the Nebraska Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials (APCO) – National Emergency Number Association (NENA) recognizes one or more state public safety telecommunicators for their outstanding service on an annual basis.

Buffalo County Sheriff Neil Miller said Tracy Smalley had been nominated by fellow dispatchers who noted her responsible and sympathetic nature. The nomination went on to say that Smalley handles situations with grace and that the county is lucky to have her.

Per a resolution passed by the Buffalo County Commissioners, “This award is for recognition of an act of outstanding conduct by which the telecommunicator has demonstrated outstanding characteristics of good training, good judgment and devotion to duty, has performed services which are of a special value to the public safety communications in the State of Nebraska.”

“Be it resolved by the board of commissioners that Tracy Smalley be commended with a unanimous vote of appreciation for her dedication and outstanding service as a Public Safety Telecommunicator who makes a difference in our community,” the resolution concluded.