A Grand Island man and his son shovel snow on Hagge Avenue early Monday afternoon. (Carol Bryant, Central Nebraska Today)
GRAND ISLAND — Snow was affecting travel on Grand Island roads Monday morning, according to representatives of the Hall County Sheriff’s Department and Grand Island Sheriff’s Department.
“Roads are starting to become snow covered and starting to get slick,” said Capt. Troy Arends of the Hall County Sheriff’s Department.
He urged drivers to drive very slowly, to not use cruise control, and to give themselves plenty of time to reach their destination.
“The visibility is not great either. I think it is going to get worse as the day goes on,” Arends said Monday morning.
Capt. Dean Elliott with the Grand Island Police Department said that roads “are progressively getting worse. We’ve had some spin outs. We’ve had a few accidents.”
He urged drivers to drive slowly and to give themselves extra distance to stop their vehicles.
“Don’t get out if you don’t need to,” he said.
“If you have to leave town, make sure you have some kind of emergency survival kit,” he said. “It is best to avoid travel as conditions are only going to get worse.”
He said that the emergency snow routes went into effect at noon Monday and would last until noon Tuesday. That means people cannot park on emergency snow routes.
“The Police Department will be ticketing and ultimately towing vehicles that are on those streets,” Elliott said.