
Former Loper Declares for NFL Draft

By Mark Reid Jan 9, 2024 | 2:58 PM

KEARNEY – A former UNK Loper defensive back who transferred into Division I for the 2023-24 season placed his name in the bucket for the upcoming NFL Draft.

Gabriel Amegatcher, a 6-2, 195 pound cornerback from Romeoville, Ill., announced via social media on Tuesday his intent to declare for the upcoming NFL Draft.

The former Loper was a standout for Josh Lynn’s tenure as a defensive back, starting all eleven games his redshirt junior season in Kearney. In 2022, Amegatcher broke up eight passes, forced a fumble, and recoded a tackle for loss on a team that ended 8-3 just missing the postseason. He was also well received on Kearney’s campus, being named the 2021 Homecoming King of UNK while also serving as the UNK SAAC President.

Gabe Amegatcher, UNK Football // UNK Athletics

As a Huskie for Northern Illinois this past season, Amegatcher recorded five tackles on the season mainly seeing time on special teams. The former Loper did record a tackle on a punt return against Nebraska in Memorial Stadium.

The NFL Draft begins on April 25, 2024.