In an impressive display of spelling skill and mental agility, Evan Griebel, a dedicated 5th-grader from Meadowlark Elementary, emerged as the champion of the Kearney Public Schools (KPS) District Spelling Bee held on Tuesday, February 27.
Competing against a field of 115 students drawn from across the district, Evan’s victory highlights his exceptional spelling abilities and the competitive spirit and academic excellence fostered within the Kearney Public Schools community.
This year’s competition was particularly fierce, with each of the KPS elementary school fifth-grade classrooms sending five spelling champions to vie for the district title. The contest began with a written round consisting of 15 challenging words, from which 12 spellers advanced to showcase their skills on stage. Competitors included: Leni Beckman ; Glenwood, Reeslyn Broekemeier ; Meadowlark, Gus Cardenas ; Northeast, Henry Denton ; Windy Hills, Gabby Friedel ; Meadowlark, Evan Griebel ; Meadowlark, Keelie Hellmick ; Park, Jackson James ; Northeast, Clara Murray ; Central, Aspen Schamp : Emerson, Fitzgerald Ship; Meadowlark, and Harper Verbka ; Meadowlark.
Through subsequent rounds, the competition intensified with words ranging from “knowingly” and “discipline” in the third round, to “wrought” and “penultimate” in the nail-biting final round. The progression of the bee saw words increase in difficulty, challenging contestants with terms such as “latitude,” “rancid,” and “gastritis,” before reaching the climactic final round.
Through subsequent rounds, words in the bee were progressively harder. In Round 4: latitude, hitherto. Round 5: rancid, apparently, forearms. Round 6: acclimate, gastritis, ferocity. Round 7: composition, vagrancy, contagion. The final round, Round 8, had only four words: wrought, penultimate, inadequate, and accommodation. Only one speller, Evan Griebel, spelled their word correctly: inadequate.
The Kearney Public Schools District Spelling Bee is an annual tradition that celebrates its students’ language skills and encourages a love for language and learning. By participating, students enhance their vocabulary, develop poise under pressure, and engage in healthy competition.
“Congratulations to all the spellers who took part in this year’s District Spelling Bee, and a special round of applause for Evan Griebel, our new champion,” said Dr. Dan Endorf, KPS Director of Student Services and Safety. “Evan’s hard work, preparation, and determination are commendable, and his victory is a testament to the academic excellence we strive for in Kearney Public Schools.”
Kearney Public Schools congratulates Evan Griebel and all participants for their outstanding performances and dedication. The district looks forward to next year’s competition and the continued celebration of academic achievement among its students.