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Election preparedness urged with new voter ID laws

By Brian Neben Mar 1, 2024 | 2:13 PM

Elliott Stallion / Unsplash

GRAND ISLAND — In a little more than two months, Nebraska will hold its May primary elections across the state, and it will be the first election that will be adhering to new Voter ID laws. Hall County Election Commissioner Tracy Overstreet said educating yourself on the subtle changes to the voting process is key before you take to the polls in May.

“It’s really one of the most substantial changes and election changes or changes in election law in about 20 years for Nebraska, so Nebraska voters need to be ready,” Overstreet said.

In the 2022 General Election, the majority of Nebraska voters passed a constitutional amendment requiring photo ID in Nebraska elections. That led to the enacting of LB514, which requires all Nebraska voters, with limited exceptions, to present an acceptable form of photo ID when voting starting with the May 2024 primary election.

Acceptable forms of photo ID include:

  • * Nebraska driver’s license (from DMV)
  • * Nebraska state ID (from DMV)
  • * Nebraska college ID (public or private)
  • * Nebraska political subdivision ID (state, county, city, public school, etc.)
  • * United States (U.S.) Passport
  • * Military ID
  • * Tribal ID
  • * Hospital, assisted-living facility or nursing home record

The state is also making it a lot easier to acquire a state ID in the event you need one.

“If you don’t have a driver’s license, you can get a free state ID,” Overstreet said. “Usually a state ID would cost around $29, but the state of Nebraska is offering a free state ID to people who need them to get ready for voting.”

For more information, please contact Communications Manager Spencer Schubert at spencers@grand-island.com.