HASTINGS — Streets in Hastings will see hundreds of runners, and access will be limited at several intersections along routes, during the Half Hastings races on Saturday, June 1.
The Half Hastings races include a half marathon, half marathon relay, 5k and 1-mile fun run.
The half marathon and relay both start at 7:30 a.m. at Hastings Middle School and go east through town, ending at Hastings College’s Osborne Sports Complex. The 5k starts at 8:30 a.m. and starts and ends at the Osborne Sports Complex. The 1-mile fun run will start immediately after the 5k starts, also at the Osborne Sports Complex.
The half marathon course crosses U.S. Highway 281 at Kansas Avenue. Hastings Police Department officers will be on site at that intersection ensuring participants get across safely and without delay while keeping traffic moving efficiently.
Runners will be assisted by police at Kansas Avenue and U.S. Highway 281 until 9:30 a.m. and volunteers after that.
Police Officers and cruisers will also assist with traffic control at the following locations:
Second Street and Marian Road
Second Street and Bellevue Avenue
12th Street and Crane Avenue
Vehicle traffic will be limited around Heartwell Park during the races.
Eastside Boulevard will be barricaded between north of Ninth Street and south of Ringland Road; North Elm Avenue will be barricaded between north of Forest Boulevard and Ringland Road; North Pine Avenue and North California Avenue will be barricaded north of Forest Boulevard and south of Ringland Road.
The race organizer will be responsible for coning off the east-bound lane on 12th Street from Elm Avenue East to Sixth Avenue for the 5k race start.

Half Hastings half marathon map, (City of Hastings, Courtesy)