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Phelps County Sheriff reminds landowners to keep pivot water off public roads

By Brian Neben Jun 26, 2024 | 1:49 PM

A center pivot irrigation system operating in Phelps County, (Brian Neben, Central Nebraska Today)

HOLDREGE — The Phelp County Sheriff’s Office is reminding landowners and operators to mind where their pivots irrigation systems are watering.

The sheriff’s office noted that it is illegal for a center pivot system to water a public road.

If the system is capable of diverting water onto a public road, it must be equipped with a device to automatically shut off the end gun.

“It is the responsibility of all landowners and operators to ensure the end guns on their center pivots are shutting off before they reach public roads,” the Phelps County Sheriff’s Office stated.

Any damage to a public road could result in criminal liability, fines or civil liability from any damage that occurs.

“Center pivot owners/operators may also incur liability in claims brought by the traveling public for creating a driving hazard on a public road,” the sheriff’s office concluded.