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ESU 10’s Melissa Wheelock earns NCSA Distinguished Service Award

By Brian Neben Jul 29, 2024 | 3:25 PM

Dr. Melissa Wheelock, (ESU 10, Courtesy)

KEARNEY — The Nebraska Council of School Administrators held Administrators’ Days last week at the Younes Conference Center North in Kearney, where the organization announced its annual award honorees.

The NCSA Distinguished Service Award is given annually to an individual or individuals who have demonstrated exceptional, distinguished leadership in public education. The 2024 recipients are Dr. Melissa Wheelock and Dr. Aaron Plas.

Dr. Wheelock currently serves as administrator of Educational Service Unit (ESU) 10 in Kearney.

Dr. Plas currently serves as superintendent of Bennington Public Schools. “Dr. Wheelock and Dr. Plas both exemplify what this award was established to honor and celebrate, and there aren’t two more well-deserving recipients,” said NCSA executive director Dr. Mike Dulaney. ““They are respected leaders in Nebraska’s educational landscape and tremendous assets to public education. Each has made an enormous impact on the profession while always keeping students and innovative services in the forefront. NCSA is proud and honored to present them with the Distinguished Service Award.”

On Friday, NCSA presented NDE deputy commissioner Brian Halstead with the Friend of Education Award, which is given annually to a non-member(s) who has demonstrated exceptional, distinguished leadership in public education. “For years, Brian has been an invaluable asset to public education in Nebraska,” Dulaney said. “NCSA, and, more importantly, our schools and students have benefited greatly from his expertise and his commitment to the profession. Brian is a true friend of education.”

Also at the conference, which drew more than 1,100 school administrators to Kearney, Dr. Melissa Poloncic, superintendent of DC West Community Schools, was announced the 2024-25 Nebraska Superintendent of the Year by the Nebraska Association of School Administrators (NASA). Dr. Poloncic will receive her award at the State Education Conference in November.