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Public tree planting demonstration to be held in Gothenburg

By City of Gothenburg Sep 25, 2024 | 11:35 AM

City of Gothenburg Welcome Sign, (Brian Neben, Central Nebraska Today)

GOTHENBURG — Thanks to the Ten Free Trees program, an effort of the Nebraska Forest Service and the Nebraska Statewide Arboretum, the City of Gothenburg received nine free trees for the Gothenburg Tree Recovery project.

Trees from this project will be planted at the cemetery and at Lafayette Park. A public tree planting demonstration will be held at the Gothenburg Cemetery Sept. 26 at 12 p.m. Proper tree care techniques will be demonstrated and discussed.

Despite providing a wide range of social, economic, and environmental benefits, most Nebraska community forests have been in steady and sometimes dramatic decline. Many challenges contribute, including extreme weather, insects, disease, and lack of diversity. The Emerald Ash borer is the latest major challenge added to the list.

In an effort to stop this decline and increase community forest resilience, the Ten Free Trees program grants up to 10 high quality trees per project for tree-related educational events and community celebrations promoting trees and fall planting.

In addition to simply planting more trees, the program goals include increasing appreciation and awareness of the significant value of community forests in Nebraska. Special emphasis is placed on species diversity and higher impact projects, especially street tree planting and projects in neighborhoods of highest need.

Ten Free Trees is supported by the Nebraska Statewide Arboretum’s Trees for Nebraska Towns Initiative, funded by the Nebraska Environmental Trust, the USDA Forest Service’s Community Forestry Inflation Reduction Act funding received by the Nebraska Statewide Arboretum, and the USDA Forest Service Landscape Scale Restoration funding received by the Nebraska Forest Service.