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Drinking fountain added for both people and dogs at Hastings Dog Park

By Brian Neben Jun 17, 2024 | 10:04 AM

New drinking fountain at City of Hastings Dog Park, (City of Hastings, Courtesy)

HASTINGS — A drinking fountain for both humans and dogs was recently installed at the Hastings Dog Park south of Good Samaritan Village on South Elm Avenue (U.S. Highway 6).

The dog water station and improvements to the pollinator habitat is a cooperative effort between city departments including Hastings Parks and Recreation, Landfill and Environmental.

Improvements to the pollinator habitat include allowing the native grasses and wild flowers in the interior area to grow and mature. The existing walking paths at the dog park will continue to be maintained.

Trees will be planted in the fall along the path at the dog park to provide shade for the dogs and their owners.

The trees as well as the native grasses and wild flowers will benefit the phytocap – vegetative cover – that covers the former landfill site.

Vegetation helps control moisture going into the solid waste, so the moisture is not contaminating the groundwater.

The improvements were all approved by the Environmental Protection Agency.

The drinking fountain was made possible by adding a short service line to the existing water main near the dog park.