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Education Division at State Fair features entries from across the state

By Carol Bryant Aug 26, 2024 | 8:42 AM

(From left) Karen Kropp, Kourtney Lingeman, and Deb Lawson provide leadership for the Education Division at the State Fair. Kropp and Lawson are co-superintendents for the division. Lingeman is competitive exhibits manager for the open class division at the State Fair, (Carol Bryant, Central Nebraska Today)

GRAND ISLAND – One of the hidden gems of the Nebraska State Fair is the Education Division for students who have just completed grades K-12.

Deb Lawson and Karen Kropp are co-education division superintendents. Both are retired high school teachers.

“This is our second year,” Lawson said about her involvement with Kropp in their positions.

The Education Division exhibits are in the Bosselman Conference Center. Enter the building from the south side.

Lawson estimated there are between 2,000 and 3,000 entries this year.

“Any student (in grades K-12) can do it,” Lawson said. “We do have a number of home school entries as well.

Two of the most popular entry areas are the history boards and story boards. They are displayed on large tri-fold cardboard pieces that stand up. The history boards focus on a character or event in history. The story boards are focused on a story.

Some other popular entry areas are wall art, science, and 3-D art.

“It lets the children be very creative. We can blend education and creativity. The children are having fun learning.

Some of the entries are class projects for students in schools. Some entries are from individuals.

“As a teacher, I love the learning aspect and the joy on the students’ faces when they bring their parents and grandpa and grandma in” to see their entries. “Families take photographs of their child with the exhibit and ribbons.

“I would encourage any student to enter next year. Come to the Bosselman Conference Center to check out the entries,” Lawson said.

Kaylee Hardy of Grand Island is a State Fair volunteer and also has two sons who have entered items in the Education Division.

“I’ve volunteered for three years in the Education Department,” Hardy said. “I have two boys that have submitted different items into the Education Department for the past five years.”

“When we moved to Grand Island seven years ago, we were looking to get involved in the State Fair. I looked for a department for the kids to get involved with. I found the Education Department. We started doing projects that were based on Nebraska.” Some of those projects focused on agriculture. Other projects were photographs and artwork that focused on the state.

“It is educating my boys about the state of Nebraska, participating in the State Fair, and seeing our exhibits each year,” Hardee said.

Hardee said she is a substitute teacher. She encourages teachers in the various classrooms where she is a substitute teacher to have their students enter the Education Division.
“I do encourage more teachers to get involved,” she said.

Kourtney Lingeman is the competitive exhibits manager for the open class division at the State Fair. She oversees all of the entry areas within the Open Class division.

“I love that his is a way to get youth involved in the State Fair. In Open Class anyone can enter. You don’t have to qualify for the State Fair,” she said.