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Two Rivers Reports Local COVID Exposure Event

By News Oct 24, 2020 | 11:46 PM

KEARNEY, Neb. (TRPHD) –Two Rivers Public Health Department in Kearney is reporting a local COVID exposure to the virus that causes COVID-19. Two Rivers has been notified that an individual with laboratory confirmed COVID-19 was present at a youth church camp event sponsored by Grace Fellowship Church in Kearney, at Camp Comeca Retreat Center near Cozad from Friday, October 16 to Sunday, October 18, 2020.
Individuals who may have been at the camp that weekend, are being asked by Two Rivers to self-monitor for symptoms of COVID for 14 days from the last time they were present at the location. Common symptoms of COVID are cough, shortness of breath, fever, loss of taste and/or smell, or allergy-like symptoms. Two Rivers sincerely appreciates the concern shown by the church and the camp for their community and parishioners upon notification of this exposure. As the camp’s focus has always been the health and well-being of students who participate in activities on their grounds, their team has been extremely supportive of all efforts to make sure anyone who may have been exposed is properly notified.
If you were one of those in attendance at the youth church camp at Camp Comeca from Friday, October 16 to Sunday, October 18, please consider the following actions:

• Self-monitor for symptoms of COVID at home for 14 days from the last time you were at the establishment

• Wear a face mask whenever you are around others and are unable to socially distance

• Clean and disinfect your home and other spaces you have occupied since that time

• If you become symptomatic, free testing is available through Test Nebraska or consult a medical provider

Jeremy Eschliman, Health Director, strongly urges all organizations to require staff, volunteers and attendees to stay home when sick, wear face masks while in the community and in the public, and ensure proper hand washing is exercised. It is appropriate that faith-based organizations require face masks at this time, regardless of the location within the Two Rivers district. He emphasizes the importance of mask usage in preventing the spread of the virus, especially if people are exhibiting mild, allergy-like symptoms, or are asymptomatic and don’t realize they are infected. Eschliman reminds people that if they have tested for the virus and are awaiting results, they need to stay home until results are received. If anyone has questions on how to help protect their employees and customers, please reach out to the Two Rivers office.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this event, please contact Two Rivers Public Health.